urban skincare co.

Born in the vibrant city of Sydney, urban skincare co (or urban for short) helps say 'bye-felicia' to those pesky hair and skin troubles caused by urban life.

Your hair and skin are in good company and won't be weighed down by parabens, SLS and MIT. Fan of furry friends? So are we! That's why we live by being cruelty free and vegan friendly.

Wash off that big city life

urban skincare co. understands the stresses of a modern urban lifestyle. That’s why our hair and body products are developed with our urban formulation; unique enrichments that combat lifeless, damaged and dehydrated skin and hair.

Our products are formulated with every body and preference in mind. Fragrances are fresh and thoughtfully formulated. Packaging is monochrome and minimal for a sleek and androgynous look.

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